Friday, November 07, 2014

for Positive Leaders--The Profit Power of Patience: What You Say Is What You Get(R)

Hello, Positive Leaders!
From Dr. Linne for Positive Leaders:  The Positive Profit Power of Patience
Benjamin Franklin said  "S/He that can have patience can have what s/he will." (updated pronouns)

How patient are you?  Is your patience/impatience adding to or subtracting from your bottom line? Are you rushing from meeting to meeting, just skimming the surface?  This is Old Power.  New Power stops and listens for deeper layers and better solutions.

In our fast world it is easy to forget the benefits of patience, and indeed this has been a challenge for me as a future visionary..I can see it done and wonder why it takes so long for others to see it and implement!  
Yet I have also learned to slow downand think more deeply, ask deeper questions, take time to understand more deeply...and from that, larger business projects and deals
show up for me...and clients and colleagues who are willing to do the same.

As I say, "Only depth gives you freedom."  Dr Linne's Power Quote

Many believe they don't have the time for depth...but they have time to incur the costs of "hurry up and do it over"!
Sadly I have seen many examples of CEOs trying to rush through a deal without the foundation built, only to see them lose hugely.

One did not feel he could afford the few thousand dollars to hire me to evaluate and help choose his executive team.  Cost: three years of lost revenue, many millions of dollars, a very poor business plan written by an unqualified financial person, legal costs and losses, and huge amounts of stress and the British say, penny wise, pound foolish.

Another did not stay in touch during crucial periods in his business and lost most of his business...I could have told him one of his deals was much too risky, but he did not return phone calls or emails....was in a crunch, did not feel like he had time to talk.  Very expensive mistake.

What is hurried impatience costing you?

Taking time to communicate...with patience...can prevent and resolve many issues which would otherwise be deal-breakers.
Working on a large and wonderful project, we have had much back and forth about the documents needed, and delays.
Had I not worked on my impatience for many years and achieved more patience within, I would be frustrated and nervous...but I held to our positive vision and the CEO called and assured me again that he wants very much to work together and documents will meet everyone's needs. 

Having more patience gives me with my patience,  and gives you with your patience, these powerful benefits:

1.  The joy of the project and all the good it can do for so many.
2.  The joy of future projects together...he has more than this one.
3.  The joy of building the relationship, both on the same positive leadership page!
4.  More confidence that this will work out for project and financial good for all of us.
5.  More inner space to experience that this is a great benefit for me as well as for the client.
6.  Much less worry about whether this will come to fruition, and much less stress on my body.
7.  More relaxed mental space to add more layers of value to the client and others involved in every communication.
8.  More relazed mental space to track the details of the documents required and ensure accuracy/protection, so we all have a great foundation.
9.  More creative mental space to reach out to more possible clients with positive energy and programs, and enjoy the process!

Can you list more???

How well do you give your business the benefits of patience?  Do you take time to go deeper or are you rushing from meeting to conference call?

How do you rate on patience?  1=low, 10=High...what is your score?

Can you claim patience as a strength?  If not, work on it every day...this takes focus and practice but is worth it.

Need help?  Contact us..I have powerful patience strategies for clients.

Wishing you peace, patience and prosperity!
Dr. Linne
PS Check out the services and products page of my site below,

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder
CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders, Consultants 
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Passing of a Great Leader & the Dance of Leading and Following--5 Keys

 Hello Everyone!

Welcome to this What You Say Is What You Get® Positive Leadership Blog! 

First, a tribute: I want to honor and remember the one mentor who appreciated my pioneering work on appreciative leadership when I began and no one else appreciated my work--he was brilliant, loving and wise and saw the scope of what I started beyond my own vision at the time...he recently passed and I am so grateful to him and so sad.., Dr. Warren Bennis, famous, wise, caring, and brilliant leadership professor, author of 30 books and hundreds of articles, consultant to U.S. Presidents and CEOs, on all the major business media.
He stood for the highest values in leadership, was the President of the University of Cincinnati and Professor of Leadership at USC in their business school for many years. A tribute to him was published by Forbes.

I was honored to know and care for him and receive his caring brilliance for many years.  He did
the foreword for my book, From Old Power to New Power--Which Leaders Will Survive?  and a testimonial for my earlier book What You Say Is What You Get®: The Secret Language of Great Business Results.
I am sad to lose him but honored to have known was crucial to have someone of his wisdom believe in me when I started my work which was the opposite of the "what's wrong with you" approach of all my other mentors!!

In this blog post: A Rare sneak peek at leaders from a follower-What makes a great leader, a poor leader?

How do you rate on these 5 criteria for great leaders, as seen through the eyes of a follower?

Recently at a large dance convention, as a follower (lifelong dancer, highly trained), I analyzed many leaders and how they led.  As an expert on how leaders use power, I see the parallel to how you lead in your business or job, so read very closely! This will give you some powerful keys to lead better !

These are the keys to great leaders, those leaders who gave me the most enjoyable fun and powerful dances.
Notice that in all cases great leaders have a high Positive Quotient®--they bring positive energy and positive skills!

1.  Have invested in great training, have skills in both leadership and dance (=their business), know what they are doing, not just street dancers, they know how to dance with followers without hurting their shoulders, arms, back, wrists, etc., do not throw followers off-balance.
2.  Have a clear lead and frame (=business framework and leadership methods) during the dance (their meeting, business).
3.  Show great connection with follower, pay close attention to the music and the followers. (Focus on associates, listen well, know what they are doing, respond to the external environment quickly and collaboratively.)
4.  Bring good positive energy and also build on the positive energy of the follower, create synergy in the dance (business), 1+1=15.  Smiles! Thank followers for the dance (business efforts).
5.  Bring and lead their own interesting and challenging moves, follow through on what they start, and also make space for followers to add their own moves and styling (foster creativity in collaboration, add challenge, not boring).

These leaders were therefore the most fun to dance with and we had the most powerful fun liberating collaborative dances!

How do you rate on these 5?  1-low, did you do?   What are you doing well?  Where do you want to shift up to a higher gear?
We can help you strengthen your leadership by focusing systematically on and applying your best and the best of your associates/teams/employees!

“Freedom is actually a bigger game than power.  Power is about what you can control. 
Freedom is about what you can unleash.” Harriet Rubin

Wishing you peace and prosperity!
Dr Linne
"Build on Your Best" Bottom Line Leadership Systems
Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D.
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717
Institute for Transformation Leaders & Consultants
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides What You Say Is What You Get® Series, Positive Quotient® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient® Questionnaire, What You Say Is What You Get®, Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation", What You Say Is What You Get® Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Friday, July 04, 2014

What You Say Is What You Get(R)--July 4 Independent or Interdependent Leader? How Do You Rate?

 Hello Everyone,

From Dr Linne- for Positive Leaders--Happy 4th of July! 

In giving thanks for our nation's freedoms, still great even under current challenges, I am
reflecting on why I celebrate Independence Day and Interdependence Day --both are crucial for leaders.
Why? What do these terms mean?
We all know that independence means we can stand on our own, in our own strength, and this is good, because
a chain is only as strong as the weakest link...isn't it?
How do you rate in thinking for yourself, holding to your own values, bringing your best strength to your most important leadership relationships?
What score would you give yourself, 1= low, 10= high?

Yet we all know that spiritually, psychologically and practically, we all need more than just ourselves in order to thrive and succeed?
We need spiritual guidance, peace and balance.
We need to grow beyond independence to work in healthy collaboration and synergy with others--what I call in my work the 1+1=15!
We need to be mature enough psychologically to build and sustain these high-synergy relationships of strong individuals
coming together to create more than they could ever dream of achieving alone.

Yet many teams do not require enough individual strength to foster great teams...they settle for less.
And many team members do not give their best, waiting for others to go first, not sure what is needed...and not asking to find out!
In training and development situations, teams can do well helping the weaker members along.
But ultimately, each individual must choose to be in their strengths and greatness and bring that to their teams,
week in and week out, sustainably.
And each positive leader must insist on and create the space for this...
This takes active work...and the rewards can be huge....I have seen teams do things beyond their wildest imagination once
they implement this way of working from strengths...e. g. one client team increased revenue 35-40% in a few months.
This positive path takes is not for the faint of heart...and is thus quintessentially American!!

How do you rate as an interdependent leader?
How well do you create space for other strong independent people to work closely with you?
Do you nourish and "feed" your strongest most positive colleagues,  and friends?
How well do you support them?  As well as they support you?
How well do you sustain your best interdependent working relationships?  Are you in contact at least weekly?
If I asked your team members how well you do this, what would they tell me?

A colleague and friend who went through major losses a few years back tried to handle things on his did not work out well..he reached the limits
of independence, very constraining when multiple skills and views are needed beyond our own.
This time he has learned to be an interdependent leaders and reach out for help...very smart to be a grower and learner...his foundation will
be stronger as a result, if he sustains great 2-way interdependence, giving as well as receiving.

How do you rate yourself as an interdependent leader?  How well do you foster this high-synergy teamwork?  1- low, 10= high.
Think about your ratings....what looks great?  Where do you need strengthening?

So, when I am standing for the color guard to bring in the flag tonight at our dance convention, and singing the Star Spangled Banner (I know all the you?), I will be appreciating living in a country which makes space for independent and interdependent leader and team members---because
it is up to all of us to take that space and make it work!!
In appreciation of all of you, wishing you a joyful July 4th,
and strengths, peace and prosperity!! 

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders; Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results, Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series, Positive Quotient® PQ Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient® AQ Questionnaire, Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

The Crucial Test for Leaders-How High is Your Positive Quotient(R)?

Dear Clients, Colleagues and What You Say Is What You Get(R) Positive Leadership Newsletter Subscribers, 

Spending the recent holiday with positive open communicative tuned-in company reminded me to ask myself.....
how high is my Positive Quotient(R)?  I trademarked this phrase for my questionnaires, articles and seminars because it is so important
to remember to focus on the positive and not be a "Squeaky Wheel" leader driven by crises and problems!

Research clearly shows that positive people generate more business, attract more positive situations and are more likely to get funding!

Welcome! Join me and ask yourself these Positive Quotient(R) questions:

1.  What percentage of your focus is on the positive vs. negative in your business?
2.  How often do you let crises and upsets distract, overtake you and derail your positive relationships, vs. staying on a positive focus?
3.  What % of your associates are positive, supportive, collaborative, and communicate frequently/well, vs. negative, critical, aloof, unavailable?
4.  How well are you attracting and keeping positive collaborative people into your business life?
5.  Do you nurture those positive relationships or just take them for granted or ignore them?
6.  How loyal are you over time to positive colleagues who have added great value to your business and life?
7.  How well do you remember and appreciate support given to you in the past and continue to value those who gave it?
8.  How diligent are you at keeping positive people in your business/life?
9.  How well do you keep your accounts up to date with your best supporters, financially and psychologically/spiritually?

How do you rate on these 9 questions?  The higher your Positive Quotient(R), the better your business will go.
I found that mostly I am doing well and more positive people are entering my sphere.  The very few negative critical people are all in one deal, I do not let them upset me or engage them emotionally.  I am just clarifying facts  to honor my word I would do so...once this deal ends, I will not do business with them again...their choice to go negative has burned their bridge with me. Had I known their character at the start (they presented as very positive), I would not have worked with them....Live and learn!

Although "Squeaky Wheel" leadership --focusing on the negative, can be captivating, it is damaging to your health and bottom line.
If you have negative critical or cold, aloof, unavailable colleagues in your business, is it time to clean house?  Think about it!!
And be sure to nurture your most positive supporters!!
I wish you the most positive successful business life!
I appreciate your contribution to our still-wounded economy!
Dr Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders&Consultants 
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, 
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results 
Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire 
Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage !! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Monday, February 03, 2014

Three Powerful Positive Leadership Lessons for You from the Superbowl!!

 Hello, Everyone

A dear friend once inspired me to say for the first time ever, "only depth gives you freedom".  He replied:  "Whoa, that is profound!"  He saw that only depth frees you to be, do, and have the best in your life...yet very few business owners and leaders work in depth...most think they are too busy!  Big mistake! 

Looking more deeply than the plays and the scores, what about the Seahawks allowed them to have the freedom of creating a walkaway win over the Broncos and the first Seattle Superbowl championship ever?

Three Powerful Seahawks Leadership Lessons:

1.  A spiritual foundation:  Quarterback Russell Wilson said it first every time he spoke:  Thank God...he is clear he is on a spiritual mission, not just in a game or a business.
2.  Positive mindset--the Seahawks has a passionately powerful mindset and focused on being Champions starting over a year ago...and kept to this vision passionately!  This bonded them together more tightly as a team!
3.  Positive supportive collaborative coaching by Pete Carroll, in a very usual style, more emotional, supportive and player-centered.  This is a sea change from the old authoritarian tough as nails football tradition!!  Carroll's style created space for and encouraged the best from all players!  The old tough authoritarian near-hazing style is much less effective in unleasing strengths and greatness of course...times have changed!

1. How well does your business follow these leadership success lessons?
2. Do you have a strong spiritual foundation in your business?
3. Do you have a passionate commitment to your positive vision, and associate with those who believe in you and support you deeply?  

4. Do you allow into your business the most positive people or shut them out?  
5. Do you allow negative people into your business to drag you down, or stick to the positive professional people?
6. Do you provide great positive collaborative leadership which brings out the best in those on your team?

Remember.."Only depth gives us freedom!"...look at your business and yourself as a leader in more depth if you want better results!

In appreciation of you,
Dr Linne
"Build on Your Best"
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph.D., The Practical Ph.D.
Trusted advisor to senior executives!/DrLinne
Pioneer, Positive strengths-based leadership,
Fortune 10, 50, 100 Consultant
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717
Institute for Transformation Leaders & Consultants
Speaker, Author: From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, 
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Leaders! Do not even think of setting 2014 goals until you do this!

Hi Everyone,

Why do so many goals go unfulfilled?  We mean well, but somehow they get lost in our multi-tasked to-do lists.

What does it take to persevere enough to actually acheive our goals?

You may already have your goals written, so if you have, back up and do this now to put a foundation under your goals.

If you have not done your goals yet, by all means, do this first, then write your goals.

Here is the secret I use with planning and goal-setting with clients:  Always go over your previous year's foundation of your achievements and celebrate those to give you enough positive momentum.  Without doing this you are just putting more pressure on yourself without also adding greater support and appreciation...this just does not work! Everyone needs to be appreciated and have their successes celebrated!
"The deepest craving in human nature is to be appreciated."
William James, Harvard Psychologist

This appreciation and celebration and actually facing up to your achievements the previous year gives you the fuel you need in your mental/emotional gas tank to push your goals to fruition!  This in turn gives you more success and opportunities for growth!

So, make your list of achievements, celebrate and THEN set or revisit your goals!!
Wishing you the best of success!
Dr Linne Bourget

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 
Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, 
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results, Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2014. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.