Monday, November 18, 2013

Ignoring Leadership 101: The Seven Deadly Sins 
of Unaffordable Obamacare 
Insights from an Economist & Change Leadership Expert

Hello everyone! 

Watching the political madness of the last few months, I have tried to be as positive as possible, but Obamacare
is the last straw! Obama's unilateral power approach in passing it guaranteed the political fractures we are seeing now with the shutdown and all...textbook grad. school case of authoritarian power and its results!

All of these 7 Deadly Sins are attributable to his unilateral use of power and ignoring reality--the buck always stops at the top!

Check out these 7 Deadly Sins of the Unaffordable Health Care Program

Deadly Sin #1:  Ignoring Economics 101-Promising you can add 30 million, who cannot pay, into the system and lower health care costs?  Which type of smoking was his favorite that day (he has done both)?  Cost overruns will be enormous!
Deadly Sin #2:  Ignoring Leadership Integrity 101:  Promising people they could keep their plans then having millions be cancelled, because current plans do not fit the one size fits all mentality, which is hugely and unnecessarily expensive...women don't need prostate care! And forcing abortion fees on everyone? Seriously?
Deadly Sin #3:  Ignoring Market Competition 101: Designing the system without more competition--guaranteed higher costs, lost jobs, fewer able to afford insurance, etc.
Deadly Sin #4:  Ignoring Business 101: Hooking in the insurance companies who thought they would have millions of new clients, but designing the plans to be so much more expensive fewer could afford them even with subsidies..the website numbers reveal this clearly.
Deadly Sin #5:  Ignoring Management 101:  Words are nothing.  Implementation is everything. With over 3 yrs, the website fails, the numbers are abysmal. Private sector companies like ehealth do this much better than government...they had plenty of time, but only tested security the week before opening!!  No excuses! Employer mandate had to be postponed. Sebelius would be fired in the private sector!
Deadly Sin #6:  Ignoring Medicine 101:  No health care plan without evidence-based natural medicine can be cost effective--natural medicine reduces costs! Yet this was completely ignored. Many traditional M.D.s are now open to this, and many patients want it. Should be included as a choice in plans..newsflash, it is still America, consumers have the right to choose! Cafeteria benefit plans have saved employers money for years!
Deadly Sin #7:  Ignoring Psychology 101: Putting the political agenda of government control and forcing this on our country with financial penalties above creating a better health care system, thus creating huge amounts of fear, frustration and even more lack of confidence in government.  Strategic error...the buck stops at the top of the house as always!! The President is in charge of the spirit of our nation, not just our bleeding bank accounts!

Whew! That is all I can deal with for one day! Hang in there...we will see what happens when all those young people he thought he could control do not sign up!  Oratory is one thing...the wallet is another.

The only true revenge for all this madness is your own excellence, so build your life, business, career, family and spiritual strength deeply and positively to counterbalance all these negatives...yes, you can!

Thank you for reading this.  Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D Economist, Fortune 10, 50, 100 Consultant
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2013. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Chaos, Order, Power and Leadership

HI Everyone,

Wow, putting on my Economist and Leadership Power expert hats, I am watching the two steps forward one step back in the Power Shift from dictatorship to democracy ( my latest book, From Old Power to New Power--Which Leaders Will $urvive?)...tough going right now...vicious circle...poor economic growth opens the door for dictatorship which then weakens economic growth!  Seeing it here and home and abroad...very sad...tough lessons to be learned in many countries.

But, hey, Egypt, how could you possibly think Mursi would be democratic?  His pronouncement of his absolute power is in exact alignment with the beliefs of his party.   This was obvious before your 2012 election.  Hope this works out well for you there...would be good to have you as an ally again.

Here in the U.S., we see fruits not growing to ripeness:
-Our GDP was lowered by a huge 33 % from 2.4 to 1.8% for 2012, now the same as Russia.
-A poll reported 44% of Americans are worse off economically than a year ago.
-The markets dropped like a rock at the hint of "tapering" by the Fed.
-Top line revenue for corporate earnings has been nothing to write home about.
-Job formation 188,000 this week is only half of what we need to get back on track.
-Small business formation and job creation, usually creating 2/3 of our jobs, is at the lowest level in 30 yrs.
-I know many entrepreneurs with great products, technology and services who cannot get startup funding even in cities which are rebounding...not a good fact, a very bad sign. 

On this 4th of July, my prayer for our great if beleaguered nation, is that our economy strengthens,
more jobs are created, our Constitution and spiritual foundation are honored again and the innovative
spirit of America flourishes in business once again!!

May you have a safe and happy Independence Day!
Peace and Prosperity,
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
 Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants 
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2013. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Irrational Exuberance in the Markets-Leadership Myths

Hello, Everyone

I am amazed at the market rally...what is it based on?
Europe is still in major trouble...nothing has really been solved there...the power struggles birthed of the inevitable socialistic scarcity continue. Their unemployment rate of 11.6% is the highest ever.
Our GDP number was just lowered to nearly nothing here in the U.S.
The banks are still scandal ridden, LIBOR, etc., and are laying off employees and shrinking/deferring bonuses.
Loans are still very difficult to achieve.
The housing situation is slightly better but the loss of value is still huge for many homeowners.
Small business formation and small bus. job formation are the lowest in 30 years, and we 
know that small business growth is the key to jobs and turning the U.S. economy around, as the large corporations are punished for re-patriating cash and sales here would not justify expansion for them anyway as a rule. 
 The administration in DC is not friendly to small businesses and consistently makes it harder for them to grow, via taxes, regulations, health care costs, and now a higher minimum wage....and that is the only possibility for major growth. 

The global debt situation is choking a recovery with no signs of how that will mitigate.

So why are the markets up so much?  Tired of being bears?  Short term focus by traders?  Creating a rally to be able to sell? Just weary of bad news and grasping at straws?  Who knows?  I certainly do not.
It just seems like irrational exuberance all over again....the underlying economic factors just do not support this optimism, as much as we would like to see better numbers.
So tell me please, what is Wall Street thinking?  Or smoking?  This rally is just not sustainable...fasten your seat will be bumpy still.

Wishing I had better news,
Dr. Linne Bourget
"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker,
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2013. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

No Change-Why Would You Expect It? Leadership Lessons Post-Election

No Change-Why Would You Expect It: Leadership Lessons Post-Election

I cannot imagine why anyone thought Obama would move more centrist after
the election?  Why should he?  From his authoritarian power perspective, he
got what he wanted.  Why should he compromise just to strengthen our economy? 
Is that even his goal?  From his behavior, clearly not.  In my behavioral science/leadership world,
we say that if there is a gap between word and deed, the deed is the truest measure. Remember what I said before:  Leadership behavior reveals TRUE goals, not necessarily stated goals.

Unbelievable that the markets shot up on news of a minor deal with the major issues not addressed yet.
Short-term traders, clearly.  The long term risks have not been abated and are growing.  My colleagues who trade options are not touching this!

Remember the debt ceiling deal he had with Boehner for 800B$ of new revenue which we walked away from after it was agreed to, coming back with a demand for $1.2 Trillion in new revenue, a FIFTY percent increase?  Not the behavioral pattern of a centrist.  Brinkmanship with our nation's strength?  No problem for
anyone who wants power more than our good.

Tragically the Republicans were not strong enough to combat the very nasty campaign
which was predictable from previous behavioral patterns. So we are headed towards the European model,
which as we see has failed in Europe.  Their socialist path has created so much scarcity that they are
in a constant power struggle, who will have control over the banks, who will make the decisions, how will the profligate children be brought into line. 

Germany with the most hardworking capitalist model is being punished the most severely, expected to rescue the profligates.  Again my favorite Economist joke:  "The problem with socialism is that you run out of other people's money."  The illusion in the U.S. that Europe is more stable is just that.  Nothing has changed...the serious problems are just delayed further, as here in the U.S.  And I repeat:  Any social system which punishes the best and incentivizes laziness will fail of its own economic weight.  Only a vibrantly growing private sector can help the U.S. and Europe now.  Where is the support for that?  I don't see it.  Big mistake in policy.  Huge. 

A colleague recently said to me, "I am tired of hanging back.  Time for me to "man up" materially and spiritually."  National leaders could benefit from his advice.

Despite all, wishing you peace and prosperity for the New Year.
Don't let DC stop you from reaching your goals.
I am even more determined to reach mine!
Pedal to the metal--I have only owned 5 on the floor cars!
Dr. Linne Bourget

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit,  protect
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D
 Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717
 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker,
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive?
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!!
Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.