Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Tech Companies--Old Power Leadership

Hi Everyone,

The great upset about Facebook and privacy is causing an uproar, and rightly so.

Nothing online is private but I completely agree. No trust, no business!! Customers should have the
right to choose how much they want public vs. private!
As an economist & leadership power expert, I have been disappointed to see that the heads of the big
tech. firms tend to unilateral power grabs over their customers while creating the image
of being cool and having young employees and open cultures. Microsoft started it of course, being the
800 lb. gorilla, had to be stopped by the govts in US & Europe. Still putting out half baked products
so customers are forced to assume the costs to make it right. Huge losses for small business owners
Amazon did that with requiring all its sellers to use their book printer, who wasn't that great; Google did it trying to put all authors books online for free without their consent and had to be stopped by lawsuits (always remember one of the founders is Russian!), Apple is trying to do it by censoring any apps by people who say anything negative--fair criticisms by professionals, not loony personal attacks--about the CEO.
Now Facebook. Amazing, these great companies with young founders using the same old authoritarian male model trying to control us as customers/sellers. Yawn. What part of It's America We Get the Freedom to Choose don't they understand? If they had great leadership they could do so much more. Just beware--and vote with your dollars! Customers hold power--be sure you use it well and wisely!

Is this a reflection of Obama's leadership style? Pretending to be collaborative positive New Power but really being authoritarian? Or are they like this anyway?
The weirdest thing to me: Inside the companies people love to work there, their ideas are
encouraged, you can work weird hours, dress way down. They hire the best and the brightest. They pay well.Google feeds you organic food, even! But they treat us customers like sheeple. Go figure. That
lack of integrity will always come back to bite them over time. For years Microsoft stock traded stuck
at 28 or below, now only up to 30 due to Windows 7. What goes around comes around.
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