Welcome to the powerful What You Say Is What You Get®: Positive Leadership Power Mid-Month Newsletter from Dr. Linne Bourget--Spring 2019 What Are 2 Powerful Questions for Expanding/Updating Your Business?
It's Spring! Nature reminds us new beginnings, fresh starts. A few words of wisdom from the spiritual teacher
I studied with for 30+ years:
"Springtime. Nature is always moving forward and manifesting that which is truly new!
The blossoms on the peach tree are not the blossoms of a year ago. The grass on the lawn
comes up and overs the yard, but each blade is completely different from the grass of last year.
Everything begins its own life in in own place with its own purpose. Within this truth is a great
spiritual lesson.
Humans are creatures of habit. Repetition is not only a major characteristic of our make-up, but we even strive to follow previous patterns. We are experts at staying within the lines
and therein lies our downfall. By failing to make an experience new, we recycle ourselves into
stunted growth patterns. By making such choices, we fall out of synchronicity with the Universe
and produce boredom instead of development. A marketing survey taken some years ago revealed
that the two most effective words in advertising were “new” and “free.”
This should not be so surprising since “new” IS the very word that automatically unlocks our basic Universal longing for improvement and development." Gregge Tiffen
Client executives complain to me initially about situations in their businesses and are amazed at
how they can move forward by:
1. Stopping the old habits of focusing first and foremost on what is wrong, problems and crises,
which makes things worse.
2. Shifting up to focusing on what is going well, successes and strengths, FIRST, and applying
their positive insights to all issues.
His words lead me directly to 2 Powerful Questions for You as Positive Leaders--Ask Yourself:
1. What habits are keeping you bored or not "motiving" forward in your business, not keeping up
with changes in your markets?
This might include criticism, ignoring strengths, taking successes for granted, going to the
same information sources, hiring friends rather than searching for better-
qualified executives, and being unwilling to change and grow.
Action: Make a list of these habits as an executive team.
2. What new habits would refresh your team(s) and unleash more strengths for fuller use and
more profits in your business?
This might include opening your mind to new possibilities for products or services and market
segments, focusing more on your teams' and your strengths and how to apply them, and speaking more positively at work, appreciating strengths and successes as the foundation for change.
Action: With your executive team, make a list of the new habits you want to build, for greater
profitability, lower cost, and more fun.
Old habits keep leaders and teams stuck in the status quo, or make things worse, as you cannot
keep up with the speed of change.
Only new positive leadership habits and skills based on applying strengths and successes give you
any hope of innovative rapid response
to fast-changing market conditions. Enjoy the results of your new Positive Leadership habits!
Let us know if we can help.
Research going back to 2006 shows that companies where leaders speak more positively
are more profitable!
“This is the most important leadership choice you will ever make, the negative life
or the positive life.” Dr. Linne’s Positive Power Quote
I appreciate your positive leadership!
Peace and Prosperity,
Dr. Linne/"Dr. Appreciation"
"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders&Consultants
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2019. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.
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