Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Most Powerful Leadership Choice in Decades...the U.S. Presidential Election

Hello, Everyone,

As Europe hesitates and delays progress with its internal power struggles, inevitable with socialism as the more and less fiscally responsible countries try to find a fair solution when there really are none
due to the extremes of Greece, Spain, etc., I turn my attention to the U.S. election.

As the U. S. is increasingly vulnerable to the same issues as Europe due to the current administrations
ideology and authoritarian domestic leadership style, this election is the most important in a very long time.

As an expert in leadership styles, I found both debates to date to be very telling.
In the first, Obama was disengaged, unprepared, inarticulate and a clear loser.  He did not care enough to prepare and is used to being the whole show, so his weakness in collaborative process was glaring.  This is typical of authoritarians.  Romney was the clear winner, strong, articulate, prepared, authoritative, presidential, powerful yet statesmanlike.

The V. P. debate was also revealing..Biden's rudeness, smirking, constant interrupting, was amazingly condescending and again, authoritarian, a national embarrassment.  Not the least statesmanlike. As one commentator said, it is frightening to think of having his finger on the nuclear button!  In 30 years of working with senior executives, I have never allowed this behavior in any of my client teams. 

The only good thing about Biden's behavior is that so many women, one radio show host said, were switching to Romney/Ryan based on Biden's behavior.  This is of course predictable, but clearly Biden did not care about the women's vote...a strategic error to be sure.  The deeper issue though is how his behavior reveals his character.

I have wondered all along why they couldn't get things done in DC...it is of course up to the President to make sure that parties work together, the buck stops at the White House.  Now I see why.  Obama either does not care or lacks the skill in collaborative process.  But even if he lacks the skill, he has access to experts if he really wants to lead and get things done.

The Libya situation, not taking briefings in person, just on paper and the lack of leadership--choosing to be the abdicrat-- with all energy campaigning also reveal character and priorities.  The rest of the nation hangs in the balance, with even top CEOs afraid to commit to expenditures/investments due to fear.  The recent market rally had little volume.  Large firms are sitting on $1.7 trillion in cash!  Investors are sitting on the sidelines.  Small businesses cannot get funding....I have spoken to at least 10 this week!  

Bottom Line:  I have never seen so much fear, despair and frustration as I see expressed toward this administration in the business community....everyone I speak with is in fear or despair, and I gravitate to positive can-do professionals!

Wake up, America!  We can still get back on track, although it will be challenging.  Please vote for
the only candidate who has a clue about business and economic realities---with  Romney and Ryan
we have a chance.  Otherwise, our entire nation is at risk economically, psychologically and spiritually.

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders & Consultants 
Economist, Behavioral Scientist, Fortune 10, 50, 100 Consultant,
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive?
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

European crisis and the markets rally??? Really?

HI All,

Watching Europe and the markets' irrational exuberance after Draghi's offer, then of course all the ongoing power struggles between ECB, national leaders and the people rioting...This is all about who has the power (see my book on Leaders and Power below), and the markets keep reacting as if one leader's pronouncement will fix things.  But the EU was put in place without sufficiently clear agreements on consequences, so now they are in the midst of a power and money crisis, PLUS having to build the car as they drive, while their people are rioting.  And the markets rise?  Really?  They did finally come down a little, and a few Wall Street commentators do see the real picture.

Any short term fix will not fix the underlying "cultural" (read, behavioral) situation.

The real issue is that socialism creates immature dependencies and that since it is not economically viable, the rude awakening felt by the people is a demand on them to grow up and become more independent and self-sufficient.  Work.  Pay taxes.  Don't expect to retire at 50.  The basics of growing up.  Here we see that old Psychosocial Maturation Stages Model I mentioned before:

Interdependence    Highest
Dependence.         Lowest

The riots are counterdependent, of course, the upset of being yanked out of dependency.  Adolescent rebellion.  Expect more.  Tough to give up the gravy train! But so much tougher to keep it!

Remember my favorite joke going around in Economist circles:  "The problem with socialism is that
you run out of other people's money!!"

As I said in my last post, Germany, the best and most capitalistic, is being punished, and the profligate countries are being rewarded.  Any social system which punishes the best will fail, as the worst performers will bring it down.  USSR, anyone?

Growing up is tough, but without it, no nation can survive.

I have the same fears about the U.S. Frightening!
Europe could not be giving the world a more graphic lesson in the failure of socialism.
I pray that our own leaders....and voters in the U.S....wake up and see this in time!!

Peace and Prosperity to you all,
Dr. Linne
"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
 www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717
Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, 
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Did Draghi do everything needed as he promised?

HI Everyone,

OK it has been three weeks since Draghi said he would do whatever he could...now let's see...the next day Spain was making contingency plans in case it left the EU.  Recently the head of the Dutch Socialist Party said the EU might break up...the Socialist party??!!!  Finland is thinking of leaving the EU.  And of course the Bundesbank objects to the ECB bond purchases as it should...Greece is having the next deadline with its usual financial crises.

What part of behavioral science don't they get, as they focus only on the financial aspects?  This situation is totally backward.  In any ethical responsible social system in which good results are desired over the long term, good behavior should be rewarded and bad irresponsible behavior should be punished.  Rocket surgery this is not.

But in the EU so far it has been just the opposite.  So-called "profligate countries" are being rewarded for bad behavior (except for minor sacrifices) and good countries--here, hardworking Germany--is expected to take the punishment for the behavior of the "bad" countries.  Upside down and backwards from the behavior needed for desired results!  Why should Germany be punished for its own good behavior? 

Add to this that European banks are more leveraged and more thin on capital reserves than U.S. Banks, and this stew will not turn out to taste savory but bitter.

Any system in which the best are punished and the worst rewarded is not only unsustainable... it is sick!
Why?  Because such a system incentivizes the worst behavior which will expand and choke out disincentivized good behavior and ultimately sink the entire system...like Communism in Russia
which I predicted years before the wall fell.

Again, my favorite now-tragic but real current Economist joke:
"The problem with socialism is that you run out of other people's money."

Wishing them all the best in Europe but fearing they have placed themselves in an impossible position.
Hoping and praying we can pull our own nation...the U.S. back from the perils of this brink also... we are at a crisis of trust in leaders due to the socialist policies here...I have never seen so many in fear and upset and despair as I have during this administration....
Peace and prosperity,
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect
 Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

What can Draghi really do in Europe?

Ok, so today Draghi says the ECB will do whatever necessary to save the Eurozone.
Really?  Just one tiny problem.  Yes, the Dow rose over 200 points.  But if you will forgive my non-original phrase, it is "irrational exuberance'!  Why?  Because the fundamental problem is behavioral, and the financial problems are a symptom of that, not the cause. And Draghi cannot change behavior.  Until the citizens choose governments of fiscal responsibility and take some on themselves...it will still be, as it has for over 2 years...(sorry...but sadly still true)...kicking a now even larger can down the road.

As an Economist and Behavioral Scientist/Leadership Expert of 30 years, I see clearly that if a critical mass of countries like Greece don't want to work, don't want to pay taxes, and yet still expect their governments to nanny them cradle to grave...the simple question is:  Where is the money coming from?
Their expectations and demands...the people...are simply unsustainable.  The bankers can do what they like but if people don't want to work and pay taxes, the underlying behaqvioral problem of dependency will continually cripple Europe.

It is laudable to try to save the Eurozone in some ways...but the model of Germany working so other countries don't have to, as one commentator said this week...is so unfair it is a brutal manipulation of hardworking Germany, economically and psychologically.  Kudos to Merkel for standing her ground, but the situation is still fragile. 

Any time you have the weaker punishing the stronger, this will fail...not sustainable economically or psychologically.  The therapist Fritz Perls said the underdog always wins (by manipulation)...let us hope he is wrong in this case, but for now, tragically, he is right so far.  The profligate nations have no right to
bleed dry the hardworking successful nations. 

Of course, all of this also applies to the U.S....a struggle for survival....more on this later. I fervently hope that voters see all of this in the fall here. But at least a much higher percentage of us pay taxes and our retirement age is higher than in Greece!

Peace and prosperity to you all!
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive?
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Banks, Power and Chicanery-Rate Scandal

 HI Everyone,

Hope all of you in the U.S. had a good Independence Day...now Interdependence Day as the world grows smaller.
Once again we see leaders using power in authoritarian non-transparent ways--manipulating the LIBOR rate on which so many transactions are based.  Barclays, long respected British bank, has admitted it and several other banks are involved including U.S. Banks.  How implicated is the Fed?  Time will tell as the investigations proceed.

The misuse of power by "leaders" is at the root of all of these scandals, and reflects the surfacing of Old Power behavior no longer acceptable.  Barclays, for Heaven's sake!  Look for more such scandals to be unearthed.  The Power Shift from Old to New Power, which I discuss at length in my book From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? is at the crux of global change.  Countries in which negative controlling unethical authoritarian power is allowed to persist will see weaker economies and reputations due to misuse of power.  

Yes, this has been around forever.  Yes, it has been a "privilege" of "leaders".  But the world has changed.
Information is everywhere and democratized, raising the expectations of transparency and ethical behavior from those with power.  Many leaders still behave as if they could control all in secret, but those days are over.  Time to change and move into a more positive collaborative participative framework as my mentors, my generation of professionals and the newer generations of consultants teach...In business, unilateral power is over.  Give it up.  It is obsolete.  Besides, New Power is more fun and much more profitable!  Scandals are EXPENSIVE!

In politics, the power issues are being played out around the world.  Egypt is in the grips of a battle between 2 Old Power factions, so they are in real trouble whichever one wins there.  Freedom will be hardwon and delayed for them.....watch this going on in every dictatorship...China, Iran, Syria...in different ways...the Old Power model is being challenged.  An amazing time and a compelling saga!

This underlies the huge mistrust of leaders now, by the way...standards have gone way up!  Leaders, your required learning curve now is huge.  If you do not learn the Power Shift skills and techniques, your career and company are at risk.  Plain and simple.

Peace and prosperity to all of you.
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717
 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, 
Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Obama's Leadership Style--An Unusual Combination!

This week I have been observing Obama's leadership style from the view of a leadership style expert for 30 years, Economist, Applied Behavioral Scientist and Change Leadership Expert, and it is fascinating.

At first during the 2008 campaign he came across as positive and collaborative, but something inside me didn't trust it.
Then when he came into office he showed up as an abdicrat, abdicating his promise and most important responsibility to create jobs.
Then his process for passing health care legislation was textbook authoritarian, crammed in at the last minute with only one visit to Republicans in which he mostly lectured.  This has turned out to be his predominant style.

I have worked with many authoritarian leaders but have never seen this combination of abdicrat-authoritarian.  And have never seen an authoritarian leader who could present as a collaborative leader.
Most unusual.  And so are the results. Authoritarians create fear.  Abdicrats create fear, anger, orphan syndrome, and divisiveness, all of which we are seeing hugely.

I have been seeing how much fear he has created in consumers, in CEO's, in small business owners, in investors.  There is great fear in the land, more than I have ever seen, people are afraid to take a risk on anything.  I wondered if any of the financial gurus saw it also...then yesterday on one of the business channels a guest commented on precisely this.

Talking with a colleague this morning, I mentioned to her how unusual it was for an authoritarian to present as any other style--usually they are blunt-and she mentioned he was raised by his grandmother in a time when women had to use indirect means to get what they want instead of asking directly.  True?  I don't know.  But this I know..his psychology is harming us economically and badly, and this is in addition to his policies which also harm us.  Make no mistake, the fear and lack of confidence are just as costly as the policies....please give thought to this!!!
Wishing you all peace and prosperity!
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, &; protect
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D
www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive?
Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders!
"The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Friday, June 08, 2012

World Economic Uncertainty and Leadership Delegation

After my last post, I was thinking of the stress on leaders with all the uncertainty
and how stressimpacts cognitive functioning and communication. 
As a longtime expert in leadership communication,
I have seen nearly all clients struggle with delegation. 
Now of course it is even more difficult.

One of the most crucial aspects of leadership communication is delegation.
How is delegation working in your company, large or small?
Are you getting the results you want from delegation?
Do you have Delegation Disasters or Delegation Delight?
Do you understand how your use of power affects your Delegation results?
Do you see how great Delegation is crucial for change and transformation?

 Most leaders have no delegation training sufficient to handle the rapid change, uncertainty, global shocks and upsets rocketing through their companies.
Leaders need help with this.

My training manual for the very positive fast and efficient Engine and Four Wheels delegation system I have used for client executives is on the road to being available...will post here when it is ready...has
gotten many clients out of the ditch and back on the road to faster easier better results.

Starting as an Economist and then becoming a Behavioral Scientist/Leadership and Change Expert gives me the ability to layer in immediate bottom-line results from my leadership systems, as I can see the links between behavior and results...very rewarding to offer this to clients and see them go from frowns to smiles.
Make it a great day!
Dr. Linne
"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect.

Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 

Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, 

Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? 

Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 

Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Economist/Behavioral Scientist/Leadership Expert Analyzes European Situation

Putting on my Economist had to see the difficulties in Europe, it is painful to see how many decisions by leaders are being put off or pushed by the fiscal failures in European countries.  Here's the thing though:  As a behavioral scientist, I know that it doesn't matter what deals European leaders make.  It matters what their people will accept.  This is behavioral and cultural.  Socialism creates dependency and psychological immaturity.  Thus we see the counterdependency and rebellion when they are forced to start growing up.

Oddly, all these years, later, my undergraduate work in Economics at the University of Chicago has never seemed so crucial:  Comparative Economic Systems and their Impact on Behavior of the People, in Russian, China, Japan and the U.S. I predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall many years before it happened.

This commonly used psychology model says it well:

From bottom to top, these are the stages of psychosocial maturation, i. e. GROWING UP!
Socialism promotes the bottom most immature layer.  What we see now is rebellion, moving
to counterdependence.  Only when they move to the top 2 levels will they have viable economies.
This will not happen anytime soon, so fasten your seat belt!

Check out our work at:  www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 

And in spite of world events, create a wonderful life for yourself and your loved ones!
Best of success!
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect
 Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants 
Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage 
Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day and Leadership Power, Old and New!

On this Memorial Day I am grateful that we still have some freedoms in our great but beleaguered nation and grateful for all those who serve, have served and have given their lives for our heraldic country.  I hope to see the day when war has become an obsolete function but as long as we have brutal dictatorships we have to be prepared to stand for freedom and democracy, as brutal dictators scoff at anything collaborative like negotiations...a very sad time now in  the Power Shift from Old Power to New Power in the political realm.  Ultimately the New Power will prevail but right now it surely looks like a step back doesn't it?

More progress is being made in business, as more employees expect positive collaborative power and will leave if not managed this way as soon as they can find another job.  In early 2012 I saw on cnnmoney.com a study finding that 90% of employees would leave if they could find another job!!  Scary indeed for companies.  

Are leaders getting this?

Hope you are a great positive collaborative leader or that you work for one!!
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System 
Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom 
Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How Leaders Use Power--The Power Shift and Appreciation


I am reflecting on how leaders are using power amidst this planet-wide Power Shift which is in a rocky phase to be sure.  Understandable as it is the greatest challenge on the planet.

But on the good news side Old Power brutal dictators and authoritarian types are under criticism and demands for transparency as never before.  The downside:  Many still think they can get away with the old approach, whether in killing their citizens or in unilateral command and control approaches in civilian jobs where it is obsolete, or as the kids say, "So Over!".

After 30 years of working with these issues in client projects I am surprised that the Old Power approach is still tolerated in business.  

Intriguing question:  When the economies are strengthened and employees leave their jobs in huge numbers (90% would if they could find another job! cnnmoney.com), and leaders are then in shock at the loss of talent, what will happen?  I just happen to have a few ideas about that, as I am fond of saying.  One is about the Appreciative Quotient(R) of leaders, one powerful New Power metric...

Stay tuned.....

Best of fortune and success to you all,
Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Leadership Power and Student Loans?

Hi,  Google messed up my handsome format, so here we are plain...think it relates to my content?  Hmmm.

I have been watching the student loan issue. Very interesting from a leadership dynamic view.  First you
give many loans and become the biggest gorilla doing so--the government, so you have more control.  I recently spoke to a University CFO who could not invest in a higher-yield safer vehicle with his endowment because of the rules of student loans, so of course he had to raise tuition costs. Clearly Obama is going after the youth vote slipping away as they have much debt and cannot find jobs, so he is advocating lower interest rates....isn't that an interesting approach?  

Question is:  Once the authoritarian leadership play of taking over the loans and controlling that demographic has been put in place, how easily can he back out of it even if he wanted to?  Rarely can authoritarian leaders do so, and only with huge inner re-gearing and apologies, then changing the dynamic.  But these are the marks of collaborative leaders, not authoritarian leaders.  Thus any apparent attempt to win over the students with loans is likely to be election window-dressing....time will tell.

"Build on Your Best" Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protect 
Dr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D 
www.oldpowernewpower.com   www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com 
Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717 Institute for Transformation Leaders& Consultants Strategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive? Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal Freedom Author, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business Results Dr. Linne's Leadership Guides Series Positive Quotient PQ® Questionnaire Appreciative Quotient AQ® Questionnaire Secrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation" Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders! "The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2012. All Rights Reserved. Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Watching Leadership Power Patterns

Picking up the blog after a time away working on projects and writing several books and training manuals.....
Watching the takeover by Old Power-negative unilateral power type groups--in countries where there was a naive hope about democracy spreading...these countries have eons of history
in which dictatorships were the norm...this will not therefore be an easy Power Shift, but the Shift from Old to New Power I discuss in my book cited below is inevitable...a question of time.
Right now it looks like 1 step forward, 3 steps back, but the Power Shift slowly marches forward..
savvy leaders make sure they understand this and are prepared, because in the U.S. employees
expect New Power and will leave when they can find another job if you permit your managers to use Old Power...remember the study that shows 90% of employees will leave if possible..

Dr. Linne

"Build on Your Best"Giving you the power to predict, profit, & protectDr. Linne Bourget M.A. M.B.A. Ph. D www.oldpowernewpower.com www.whatyousayiswhatyouget.com Pioneer, strengths-based leadership, Master Intuition System Founder/CEO 480-767-1717Institute for Transformation Leaders& ConsultantsStrategist, Consultant, Speaker, Author of From Old Power to New Power – Which Leaders Will Survive?Co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Amazon #1Bestseller, Wake Up, Live the Life You Love - Finding Personal FreedomAuthor, What You Say Is What You Get® Series: The Secret Language of Great Business ResultsDr. Linne's Leadership Guides SeriesPositive Quotient PQ® QuestionnaireAppreciative Quotient AQ® QuestionnaireSecrets of Powerful Appreciation for Parents and Children, 2 CD Audio by "Dr. Appreciation"Appreciation: The Secret Key to Magical Marriage Coming soon!! Power Course on Intuition for Business Leaders!"The greatest challenge is taking complete responsibility for your own greatness." Dr. Linne Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved.Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.